Muldrow v. City of St. Louis: The Title VII Balancing Act Dallas Estes on the Supreme Court's Title VII decision in Muldrow v. City of St. Louis.
The Chicken-and-Egg of Law and Organizing Ben Sachs on his recent piece with Kate Andrias addressing the chicken-and-egg dilemma of social-movement organizing.
April 18, 2024 News & Commentary Disneyland performers file petition for unionization and union elections begin at Volkswagen plant in Tennessee.
Can States Use Economic Incentives to Discourage Card Check Agreements? John Fry on labor law's market participant exception and recent state efforts to discourage organizing.
A New Era for Breastfeeding in the Workplace Ellie Samuels on the PUMP Act and strategies to better support breastfeeding workers.
Hey ALEC, Be Careful What You Wish For Ben Sachs on ALEC's model statute conditioning economic development incentives on corporations' compliance with state-mandated labor practices - now the law in Tennessee.
When Jobs Becomes Illegal: Workplace Challenges for Abortion and Gender-Affirming Care Providers Ellie Samuels on the consequences of state restrictions on access to gender-affirming care for medical workers and employers across the country.
Tracking Attacks on the NLRB As companies increasingly attack the NLRB's constitutionality, OnLabor's John Fry will begin writing a new series titled "Tracking Attacks on the NLRB" to cover the arguments and implications of these challenges to the Board's structure.
February 8, 2024 News & Commentary SEIU president plans to step down and judges order Starbucks to reinstate pro-union employees.
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act: A Post-Dobbs Triumph Ellie Samuels on the Pregnant Workers' Fairness Act and the future of reproductive justice in the workplace.