A Major Victory at the NMB for Airport Workers

Many of you will get on a plane to visit family for Thanksgiving. When you do, you’ll likely encounter agents to help you board the plane, flight attendants to keep you safe and serve you drinks, and pilots to fly you from here to there while ensuring your safety. Those workers all work for airlines.  […]

It Might Not Matter If the NLRA Is “Unconstitutional”

As far as federal agencies go, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”), established in 1935, is of relatively ancient vintage, and its constitutionality was affirmed long ago in NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. Even so, with the administrative state under assault and stare decisis in retreat, renewed challenges to the NLRA’s constitutionality are increasingly in vogue. As John has detailed for OnLabor, […]

Amazon.com Services LLC: An Explainer

In one of its most consequential decisions in years, the National Labor Relations Board ruled that captive audience meetings violate federal labor law. Employers can no longer compel workers to listen to anti-union propaganda under threat of discipline or discharge. The Board’s decision overturns a seventy-six-year precedent, fulfills a longstanding goal of the labor movement, […]

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Benjamin Sachs is the Kestnbaum Professor of Labor and Industry at Harvard Law School and a leading expert in the field of labor law and labor relations.

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It Might Not Matter If the NLRA Is “Unconstitutional”

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