News & Commentary

December 27, 2016

Edward Nasser

Edward Nasser is a student at Harvard Law School.

Stanley Greenberg and Anna Greenberg ask whether Barack Obama was bad for Democrats in the New York Times. Among their insights, “Mr. Obama also offered only tepid support to the most important political actor in progressive and Democratic politics: the labor movement.”

Tesla and Panasonic announced a deal where the Japanese electronics company will invest $256 million to cover the capital costs for the manufacturing in a soon to be opened plant in Buffalo, N.Y. Tesla said it will create 1,400 jobs in Buffalo and plans further expansion. New York state has committed $750 to build and outfit the plant.

An Uber employee has filed suit against the company accusing that it fraudulently  misled employees about their equity compensation. The plaintiff claims that the exercisability structure of requires that his shares be taxed at the time they are exercised, potentially costing him and other employees and allowing Uber to take “millions of dollars of tax deductions.”

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