
Today’s News & Commentary — August 23, 2017

Edward Nasser

Edward Nasser is a student at Harvard Law School.

The New York Times reports that labor unions are lobbying President Trump to include protection in any new NAFTA agreement from low wage workers lowering American wages. The AFL-CIO has made an extensive set of recommendations to be included in any renegotiated agreement. The unions request that the Trump administration insist that workers at any stage of the production chain be paid a livable wage commensurate with the cost of living where the worker resides.

Continuing with the theme of the day, Bloomberg reports that President Emmanuel Macron of France will be traveling across the European Union to advocate for more protection against low wage workers. Together with his labor reform plan, ensuring high wages for French workers was a central campaign promise for Mr. Macron.

Bloomberg reports that management lawyer John Ring, a partner at Morgan Lewis, is on the short list for appointment to the National Labor Relations Board. His appointment would ensure the first Republican majority in nearly a decade, and will likely result in the board reconsidering a host of Obama era decisions intended to protect workers.

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