
House Committee Reviews H.R. 4320, "Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act" and H.R. 4321, "Employment Privacy Protection Act"

On Wednesday, April 9, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce marked up the Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act (H.R. 4320) and the Employee Privacy Protection Act (H.R. 4321). 

The Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act, introduced by Chairman Rep John Kline (R-MN), “embodies commonsense reforms that will help protect employer free speech and worker free choice in union elections.”  Among other reforms, the bill provides employers at least 14 days to prepare their case before presenting to a NLRB election officer and preserves the employers’ ability to raise additional concerns throughout the pre-election hearing.  The legislation also “reasserts the NLRB’s responsibility to address critical issues before a union is allowed to represent workers.”

The Employee Privacy Protection Act, introduced by Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Chairman Phil Roe (R-TN), will “counteract the NLRB’s attempt to provide union organizers more private information of workers and their families.”  The bill alleges to protect the privacy of America’s workers by allowing employees to choose the way that they wish to communicate with union organizers during an election process. 

To learn more about this Committee markup, please visit the Committee markup event webpage.   


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