The UC Strike Injunction’s Second Fatal Flaw Noah Zatz on the second procedural issue arising from a recent court order enjoining the UC grad student ULP strike.
The University of California Strike Injunction (Part 1) Noah Zatz on the court order enjoining the strike by UC grad students.
It’s Déjà Vu at the Supreme Court Andrew Strom on the Supreme Court's ruling in Starbucks v. McKinney.
Aren’t We Supposed to Have One National Labor Policy? Andrew Strom on right-to-work states undermining the NLRA in the wake of governors' statement against UAW organizing campaign.
When Employers Violate the NLRA, the Harm is Always Irreparable Andrew Strom on recent oral arguments in Starbucks v. McKinney.
Can Issue Preclusion Approximate Class Arbitration? Darin Dalmat on using issue preclusion as a strategy to approximate class arbitration.
When Courts Review Agency Decisions, the Legal Standard May not Matter That Much Andrew Strom on two appellate courts' recent failures to defer to NLRB decisions.
At the Supreme Court, Will Bad History Lead to More Forced Arbitration? Andrew Strom on the recent oral arguments in Bissonnette and the Court's bad history of interpreting the Federal Arbitration Act.
Glacier: Do Hypothetical Facts Make Hypothetical Law? Darin Dalmat on Glacier Northwest's hypothetical fact pattern, and the Court's recent eagerness to resolve imagined disputes.