News & Commentary

May 29, 2014

The Los Angeles Times reports that the Obama Administration has chosen to delay a review of deportation policies until August so as to shift the onus for passage and blame for the potential failure of immigration reform onto the Republican Party. In the opinion pages, the New York Times editorial board condemns President Obama’s claim that the delay is necessary for fear of impacting the passage of immigration reform. They write, “There is something ridiculous about the president’s fear of halting a legislative process that has been motionless for nearly a year. And it’s infuriating for him to insist that doing more through executive action to protect families and reset the system’s warped priorities — as he did in halting the deportations of thousands of young people brought to the country as children — is impossible or too politically dangerous.” The National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) has been one of the leaders in pushing the administration to review its policies and exercise executive power to halt deportations. NDLON has also been a key player in the AFL-CIO’s pro-immigrant shift in the past decade.

In the Wall Street Journal, Costco Wholesale Corp. has announced that its third-quarter profits rose to $473 million from a year-earlier profit of $459 million. Costco garnered attention in January 2014 after President Obama visited a Maryland store following his State of the Union address. President Obama highlighted Costco’s economic success and consistent payment of high wages to its employees as part of a push to increase the federal minimum wage. A Bloomberg BusinessWeek article had previously covered how Costco CEO Craig Jelinek prioritized paying hourly workers an average of $20.89 an hour.

The Los Angeles Times describes the race to fill the open seat on Los Angeles’s Board of Education. Despite the United Teachers Los Angeles’s interest in electing a union ally to counter Superintendent John Deasy and his PAC, the Coalition for School Reform, they have endorsed three separate candidates and donated just $1,100 to each of their campaigns. Reports vary as to why UTLA is not participating more actively in the election, though the LA Times suggests that financial difficulties are forcing them to reserve funds for full-term board runs in the coming election cycle.

In the Wall Street Journal, the jean company Levi-Strauss has drastically decreased orders from Cambodian factories in the wake of a nation-wide strike to demand higher wages. The Cambodian government responded to the strikes with a violent crackdown.

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